Are you aware of all the passive income tax benefits made available to investors? Let our CPA guest show you!
Here with us today is Larry Pendleton Jr., CPA. Larry is the co-founder and senior partner of PC Financial Services LLC. He has been a CPA for more than 10 years with experience in tax consulting and preparation, accounting, and financial statement auditing. He brings over 5 years of real estate experience as a multi-family investor, involved in syndication, joint venture, tax strategy, and investor relations. Larry also holds key finance and accounting positions for several Real estate investment firms and adds value by implementing the same tax strategies that he recommends to his clients.
Tune in on our episode as we discover the different tax benefits of a passive real estate investor.
We discuss topics like:
• Larry’s background and his profession
• Multi-family real estate and how it ties to Larry’s tax practice
• The greatest value that Larry provides to his clients
• Focusing on tax strategies and rental real estate leads to potential tax savings and decrease effective tax rates
• The necessities required to have the best tax plan
• Tips to aspiring multi-family real estate investor
• Finding the right CPA
Resources/Guest’s contact info:
• Phone number: 757.535.8592